拉塞尔·肯尼迪(Russell Kennedy)转孙中山美联社相关报道 (1912年2月14日)


Complements of Russell Kennedy


PEKING FEB.14, 12.40 A.M.

PEKING Feb.14th 12.40 a.m.—The northern capital has received the news on abdication without any demonstration either way.Owing to the preparations for the New Year the people have no time to give to such details as the closing of a dynasty.The presence of so many soldiers is marring the prospects for festivities.There are over thirty thousand troops in and around the city.There may be looting but Yuan is expected to succeed in averting disorder.Office-holders think the South will accept Yuan's proffers but the South has not yet accepted the proposition for coalition.

Yuan shih-kai has officially informed the legations that the throne has instructed him to form a Republican government and that in the meantime he will continue to do business with his old cabinet.

NANKING Feb. 14 7.30 am.At a meeting of the president and cabinet late last night it was decided to send a message to the National assembly this morning stating that the President and his cabinet desired to be relieved of their duties and asking the Assembly to elect a new President as the head of the Government of China as a whole.

It was decided to recommend Yuan Shih-kai for the Presidency.

A third action taken at this meeting as to proclaim the Fifteenth of February a National holiday to celebrate the establishment of consolidated Republic.Chinese representatives abroad will be notified to expect the proceedings of the Assembly.

At a meeting of the National Assembly this morning a resolution will be introduced and doubtless passed unanimously approving the edict of abdication but at the same time insisting that after abdication the Emperor has no power in state affairs and that consequently his appointment of Yuan Shih-kai as organizer or as head of the government cannot be recognized until Yuan has been elected by the representatives of the people of the republic.

The Assembly will insist that after his election Yuan Shih-kai must come to Nanking and there take the oath to observe the provisional constitution.The question of the permanent constitution and a permanent capital will be left to the new assembly.

A delegation from the cabinet has been selected to proceed to Peking and notify Yuan of his election to the presidency and escort him to Nanking.

President Sun Yat-sen reasserts that he is not looking for a portfolio but that he is bound by his oath to see a government set up, order restored and the Manchu off the throne.The last has been accomplished and the rest is easy if Yuan Shih-kai is in reality working in the interest of China.

President Sun Yat-sen in an interviews with The Associated Press has authorized the following:“I am deeply distressed at the wide-spread famine conditions, but for the moment the Republic is engaged in a life and death struggle for liberty and is helpless to relieve starvation on a large scale.The American people could give no better proof of friendliness than to contribute to the famine fund.After this year we hope never again to have to appeal for Foreign assistance.”

The assembly is still at work on the constitution.It has been decided that the President and the Premier must be responsible to the Assembly.

SHANGHAI Feb. 14th 10 a.m.Wu Ting-fang has wired to Yuan Shih-kai asking him to order the former imperial armies to hoist the five-colored republican flag and pointing out that any regiment refusing to do this will be treated as a traitor and enemy to the state.

Li Yuan-hung at Wuhang has wored to President Sun Yat-sen suggesting that a meeting between delegates from the North and the South be held at Wuchang.

Chefoo Feb. 13—A meeting between Chang Hsuin and the Revolutionary governor of Tainan-fu was held yesterday and the consuls throught Shantung have been notified that it was there agreed that there would be no more fighting.



NANKING FEB.12, 11.30 P.M.

The final terms have been accepted without change.The capital must be Nanking.The retiring court cannot dictate as to the future.The President must be elected.

signed Wang Chung-hui

To Kennedy,Associated Press Shanghai

NANKING Feb.13th, 7.50 A.M.

Yuan Shih-kai has telegraphed to President Sun Yat-sen acknowledging in the most friendly terms the republican government at Nanking.The telegram is of considerable length.In it Yuan Shih-kai tributes the new Republic the President and ministers, at the same time relinquishing China into their hands.He greet the Nanking government and the citizens of the Republic as brothers and expresses high hopes for the future prosperity of the country.

NANKIN Feb.13, 8 A.M.Homer Lea is dying he cannot last long.He has been unconscious since Sunday morning and is now in a state of coma.President Sun Yat-sen called at the residence at midnight and stood some time by the bedside.He was much moved and commented feelingly on the strange coincidence that found the man who had been so deeply interested in the China situation and who had done so much should be found on this day above all others in such pitiable state.Dr.Urbanek is in attendance and the devoted wife is constantly by the bedside.Homer Lea is an American and the author of several successful books.He had just completed a new book on the Defense of Great Britain to which General Lord Roberts has written the introductory chapter.

NANKING FEB. 13—The senate is now at work on the new constitution for China which insists of seventy clauses and is modeled largely on the American Constitution.It provides for the election of the President, Vice-president and Premier by congress.The premier has the selection of the cabinet but the Congress and President must approve the selection.A number of interesting minor changes are made so as make the constitution applicable to conditions in China.

NANKIN Feb.13th—The official Gazette contains instruction from the Foreign Office to the Military governors of all the provinces to retain all income from salt taxes subject to the demand of Foreign governments for the payment of Foreign debts.Governors are instructed not to issue passports to foreigners until peace has formally been declared.

CHEFOO Feb.12th, 5 P.M.The missionaries at Teng Chow-fu have wired that an attack is expected and have asked for protection.The Cincinnati is just leaving for Teng Chow-fu.Hwang sien has been retaken by the Imperialists after four days fighting.

NANKING Feb.13th.A number of foreigners representing various interest have called at the Yamen within the last few days.Among those whose names appear as callers in the official Gazatte register are Mr.Mayer of Anderson and Mayer of Shanghai, Mr.Robert Dollar of the Dollar Steamship company and a representative of the Yokohama Specie Bank.The Rainbow with Admiral Murdock on board sailed for Shanghai yesterday morning.

SHANGHAI February 13th—“I am now a plain citizen of the Republic of China and have nothing more to do with politics.” Tang Shao-yi however was willing to add in comment on the edict that… is satisfactory in every way.It is quite clear and… to the meaning.The throne has abdicated and has…to retire.Everything is now clear for the great work of reconstruction.

The ASSOCTAT PRESS is quite convinced that there will be no upheaval and that the government of the country will remain at Nanking with the present Senate for all purposes active.Some delegates will be added of course.The present cabinet will act until the Premier is elected, if that clause should finally pass.Then it is likely that some changes will be made.The election of Yuan Shih-kai is by no means certain as it is intimated he was decline to take the presidency.




北京2月14日上午12时40分 北方首都方面,双方没有任何集会示威,就收到退位消息。 由于准备过新年,人们无暇关注诸如王朝谢幕之类的细节。这么多士兵的出现破坏了庆祝活动的前景,城内外有三万多人的军队。或许会有抢劫,但预计袁能成功避免混乱。官方人士认为,南方将接受袁的承诺,但南方还没有接受联合声明。


南京2月14日上午7时30分 在昨晚深夜的总统和内阁会议上,决定今天上午向参议院发出信息,表示总统及其内阁希望解除他们的职责,并要求参议院选举新总统担任整个中国政府的领袖。









上海2月14日上午10时 伍廷芳连线袁世凯,要求他命令前帝国军队升起五色共和国旗,并指出任何拒绝这样做的部队将被视为国家的叛徒和敌人。


烟台2月13日已致电 张勋与泰安府革命总督昨日会晤,并通知山东各地的领事,他们已经同意不会再有战斗。



南京2月12日晚11时30分 最后的条款已被接受而无变动。首都必须在南京。退位皇帝不得参与国事。总统必须选举产生。




南京2月13日上午7时50分 袁世凯已经致电孙逸仙总统,以最友善的姿态承认南京的共和政府。这份电报相当长。其中袁世凯向新共和国的总统和部长们致意,同时把中国交到他们手中。他以兄弟般的姿态问候南京政府和共和国公民,对国家未来的繁荣寄予厚望。

南京2月13日上午8时 荷马·李处于弥留状态。自星期天早上起,他一直昏迷不醒,目前处于昏迷当中。孙逸仙总统半夜到访寓所,在床边站了一阵。他非常感动,感慨地说,这一奇怪巧合使他发现,对中国局势如此感兴趣、做了如此多事情的人,在这一天应该比其他人更令人悲悯。乌尔班克博士在场,且他忠诚的妻子常守在床边。荷马·李是一位美国人,著有几本成功之作。他刚刚完成了一本关于大不列颠防卫的新书,罗伯茨将军作序介绍。

南京2月13日 参议院现在正在研究新的中国新宪法,该宪法有70个条款,主要以美国宪法为蓝本。它规定了总统、副总统和总理由议会选举产生。总理有权选举内阁,但必须由国会和总统批准。一些有趣的微小变化使得宪法符合中国情形。

南京2月13日 官方公报载有外交部指示,指令各省军事总督在符合外国政府支付外债要求的情况下,保留所有盐税收入,指示总督在正式宣告和平之前,不向外国人发放护照。

烟台2月12日下午5时 滕州府的传教士发来电报,指出预计会发生袭击事件并寻求保护。“辛辛那提”号正在赶往滕州府。 经过四天的战斗,黄县被帝国军队夺回。

南京2月13日 在过去几天中,许多不同利益集团的外国代表曾拜访过衙门。在官方公报名单中,拜访者有上海慎昌洋行的马易尔先生、多来轮船公司的罗伯特·多来和横滨正金银行代表。“彩虹”号及默多克上将于昨日早晨驶往上海。

上海2月13日 “我现在是中华民国的普通公民,与政治没任何关系。”但唐绍仪乐于补充表示……皇帝已经退位,并且……现在变得很清楚,一切为了伟大的重建工作。
