蔡国华(Chua G.Waugh)致孙中山函 (1912年2月17日)


Spokane, Washington,February Seventeenth,Nineteen, Twelve.

Dr.Sun Yat Sen,Nanking, China.

My dear sir:

Some time ago I wrote to the Chinese Ben.Association of San Fransisco relative to securing information which I required in pursuit of obtaining an appointment as an instructor in your department of education.I wrote to them believing they were at the head of Chinese affairs in this country.Up to the present time I have received no reply and am writing to you, and perhaps in doing so I am taking an unwarranted liberty for which I ask your pardon, with the hope that you or some of your assistants may assist me.

I am at the present time a professor in Gonzaga College of this city from which college I am an alumnus.My education consists of the usual common school, high school and University work and in addition to that I have studied law in the University of Washington for a period of two and one half years.I have been unusually successful in my work as an instructor a fact which can be easily verified.It is my desire to secure appointment in this capacity in your country.In the belief that at the founding of a new government based as you are working to base your government on democratic ideas, with the assistance of other countries who have demonstrated the success of that form of government, in the belief that an educated American versed in the fundamentals of democracy and with an excellent legal education may be of incalculable benefit to you.I base my request for your consideration.I am a young man affiliated with no political organization, with no motive other than I have expressed, in a position to furnish excellent recommendations both as to personal character and ability.In case of an appointment I will be eager to render my best an undivided attention and will agree to a written contract providing for any reasonable duration of employment.

May I request, Doctor, that you give this letter attention and in the event that you can be of no assistance to me will you kindly direct it to the proper channels?

I shall be most pleased and sincerely grateful in the event of an early reply.

With my best wishes for your success.

 I am,Very truly yours,

Chua G.Waugh

Gonzaga College,Spokane, Washington,U.S.A.










蔡国华 谨上
