杨豹灵(Yang Pao Ling)致孙中山函 (1912年2月26日)



Dr.Sun Yet Sen,Nanking

Dear Dr.Sun,

I beg to offer you my hearty congratulations for your election to the Presidency of an new Republic.As a citizen of a most beloved country, I feel exceedingly happy at the coming of this new government, the result of your untiring efforts, you, from now on, we may be able to regain an ancient dignified position among the nation of the world.

I returned from the Straits about a week ago—coming on the same steam with your family.Your letter of recommendation did us a world of good; we had a very successful trip.Dr.S.C.Yin and Mr.Sun On Sien are the ones who helped us the work in Singapore.Altogether we expect to get at least $20,000 from Singapore.Dr.Yin requested me to give you his personal regards and congratulations.

I am now staying in Shanghai, doing nothing.If there is anything which I can serve my people and country, I should be glad to know.I am a civil engineer, graduate of Cornell and Purdue, my special work is along sanitary service.

With respect to Mrs.Sun and the Misses Sun.

I have the honor to be,Yours respectfully,

Yang Pao Ling (杨豹灵)









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