王景春致孙中山函 (1912年3月6日)


Peking, March 6, 1912

My Dear Mr.President:

Knowing that you are well informed by wire, I refrained from writing or wiring myself since my arrival in Tientsin.I gave my attention to interviewing the gentry of this province, such as the members of the legislator and the Municipal guilds etc.,telling them of the end line in the south and of our earnestness and sincerity in laboring for only one end—the reformation and welfare of our country.I cannot but believe that our conclusion was correct, in that there were faced much satisfaction and comfort in leaving things of the south from this our provincial.In as much as I felt the speeding of good words among my own provincials,my principal mission is coming up, I gave only little attention to the tasks purely belonging to the delegation.I told Mr.Tsai, the chief of our delegation, of the reason why I was ordered to join his party by you at the last hour, so that he may know that the appointment was made for an important purpose.But I said nothing to Mr.Tong in this respect.

Things were going on splendidly when the outbreak of 29th Oct.took place.You must be in foreseeing of all the details of this affair by this time.It is a postive shame to our race and nation that thief force should have happened.In searching for the real cause of that nefarious acts, I am had to think that it was enhanced by some nasty, sever-responsible officers (civil and military)to disturb the peace of the city on a only small scale so as to impress upon us necessity of Mr.Yuan's stay of north, this perhaps saving their own bread and butter.But to their regret and anguish experience, that the force, as it may have been intended to be went beyond all limits.Of course, any reasoning may not be correct at all.But there is certainly some evidence for such a process of deduction.However, we are justified to not questioning Mr.Yuan's sincerity or ability.It must have been some of his less respectably subordinates who have schemed it secretly to inaugurate.We still feel these only soon president elect Yuan will reconvene this for which came so suddenly, and will get be able to get perfect control of the situation.

We are just in receipt of Mr.Hu's telegraph in answer to ours of two days ago, regarding the procedure as to how to take the oath here and the choice of Mr.Tong as premier, etc.This is a wise, if not the only course to follow.By having Mr.Tong go down to Nanking to organize his cabinet, we can get free the new government from the undesirable elements.The latter is practically all we want.

The outbreak reminds me of the great need of fundamental reforms, not only of the appearance will go,but especially of the heart of our people.If the heart is right other things can hardly go wrong.To achieve this end, work must be give with the younger generation, the boys of the country.This had been to consider the advisability of introducing the Boy Scout movement which has gained so much popularity in England and America.If the boys between eight and eighteen of the present generation can be trained to love their country and to respect each other's rights, an untold amount of fruit may be expected in the generation to come.As I am one liking to have given this matters consideration, I should refrain from going with further details, except to add that I am ready to do my little share in helping the more able and the more suitable to push this or other fundamental reforms.

With my best regards, I beg to remain,

Yours Only faithfully,

Ching Chun Wang









王景春 敬上