曹方(Cou Fang)致孙中山函 (1912年3月9日)


Hongkong, 9th March, 1912.

Dear Sir,

Although a British subject I am of Chinese descent and, as such, take a great interest in the present affairs concerning the country of my fore-fathers.

The telegraph has informed us that it is the intention of the government to borrow foreign money.The amount is said to be £10,000,000.

I am one of those who believe in borrowing foreign money, the same as Japan and other countries have done and are doing, but I think the amount it is proposed to borrow is too small for China's requirements.The foreign Powers are all quite sympathetic towards China and have signified their willingness to give her all the assistance she may require.It must be evident to you and the others, in whose hands the management of the country has been placed, that £10,000,000 is far short of China's requirements, and I would respectfully suggest that a large loan of at least £50,000,000 be contracted for at once.The cause of all the troubles in China at present is lack of money, and it is better to obtain a large loan now than to raise small loans frequently, as people get tired when approached too often, especially in money matters.The present is a splendid time for China to obtain loans,and the saying “Strike while the iron is hot” should not be lost sight of.

With £50,000,000 China can make a good start and, under the new regime, put her house in order and work for the advancement and happiness of her 450,000,000 of inhabitants.Just think for a moment of the innumerable improvements the country is absolutely in need of to avert disaster to her people, and every one will agree that delay is criminal.

I am also in favour of raising national loans, but not at present.Let foreign money be introduced into China first, and then if necessary later on—and one can never say when it will not be necessary—national loans can be raised and there will not be lacking patriotic citizens who will willingly come forward to help the motherland.Let national loans be considered more as a “Reserve Fund” than Capital for the carrying out of the thousand and one constructive works which China must start at once not only because they are necessary but because her people will clamour for them and will brook no delay.

Whatever is eventually decided to be done, do not forget that America is China's friend and that she will do for China more than all the other Powers.

I hope the above suggestions will have some weight with you and your colleagues and that every one of you will carry out, with courage, the work of China's redemption,which you have started so auspiciously.

Yours sincerely,

Cou Fang

To President Sun Yat Sen,Nanking.











 曹方 谨上
