澳大利亚某陆军上尉致陆军部长函 (1912年3月14日)


Alexandra Buildings,Des Voeux Road,Hong Kong,14.3.12.

The Right Honourable The Minister for Defence,Chinese Republican Government,NANKING.


I have the honour to state that I have a plan whereby your government may raise and train an army at a very small cost.It is such that those undergoing training cannot use their knowledge against their superiors until actually engaged in warfare.

I have served in the British Militia, Volunter, Regular, Special Reserve, Colonial, and Native Forces.

During the past two years I have been engaged in the training, organization, and equipment of the Australian conscript army, and I have a very great knowledge of these things.

I have also the honor to state that I am not asking to be paid for my services.If you care to go into the matter further I shall be very glad to place my plan before you, and if so desired to offer my services free(except travelling and hotel expenses)for a period not exceeding one year.

I shall feel much honored by a reply at an early date.

I have the honour to be,Your obedient servant,


Unattd, List, Australian Military Force late Lincolnshire Regt., Northamton Regt., King's African Rifles, School of Musketry, School of Signalling, School of Gymnasia, and Administrative and Instructional Staff (C.M.F.)also South Wales Borderers (Militia & S.R.).










(签名残缺)队长 谨呈
