查尔斯·里曼(Charles Leaman)致孙中山函 (1912年3月20日)


Nanking, March 20, 1912,Repub.1st year

To the Hon.Sun Yat Sen,President of Rep.

Dear Sir:

At the reception given your honor at Wednesday, March 13th by your Foreign friends in the city, I only had the honor of shaking hands with you without time for a word, but with your son and one or two others I had a word of greeting.

I am the oldest resident among the foreigners in the city.I have been here as a Missionary now for 38 years and am now 67 years old.

I am desirous only of congratulating you and your fellows on your great, speedy, and glorious success in securing the abdication of the Imperial Dynasty in favor of a real and working Republic; A government of the people, for the people and by the people.May this true principle of government never be changed while the China is China.A Republic has succeed in the U.S.,and is becoming more and more stable, peaceful and prosperous in internal and international world wide affairs.If China walks in the footsteps of stable and prosperous Republican principles as the U.S.has now done for so long, there can be no doubt but that as good or better results will be succeed here in the whole of China.For the people to govern themselves in a Republic is a new thing in China, but it is not an experiment, and has proved a success whenever given a real trial and at this stage of the world is the only true and just form of government.

Let your good people and rulers trust in the only living and Jesus God and believe and fellow his only son Jesus Christ our Lord, and there can be no doubt of the successful end of all your best hopes and efforts for this your great country, and for this let us all pray and not cease to labor.

I hope you will pardon me for just suggesting one thing:First, I have been much interested for some years in a change of flag for your country, and now I want to congratulate you on your new and really very pretty flag.

But as to the meaning of the five stripes it seems to lack adue proportion.That is, I mean your 18 provinces are not duely represented in the one red stripe, nor is there provided any way for increase or growth that will certainly be in the future of your country, being expressed in the flag.

You seem at present to accept and use two forms of flags.Even at your own President Yamen and in the capital.

My suggestion would be the union of these two flags, in the way I explain below and give in pen sketches(见图1):

图1 图2 图3


On the red stripe may be made broader, and the others less broad, thus.(见图2)

The above makes your 18 Han provinces more prominent all being in the red stripe by the 18 stars, then,2 stars in the yellow, as I understand Manchuria is considered as two provinces of the 22 old or new provinces of China.Then,1 star in the blue stripe for Mongolia, and,1 star in the white stripe for Sin Kiang, and none in the black as Tibet, I understand is not yet made a province.

This arrangement would make the flag not less beautiful and have more meaning.

22 white stars on a sky blue field.(见图3)

This seems a nice way of blending your present two flags and perhaps the best way of putting the stars and stripes representing your five natural divisions and your 22 constituted provinces.In this last sketch the five stripes representing the five natural and racial divisions of your country will be a permanent feature of your flag.But the stars on the sky blue field—not a light blue as the stripe—may rairy as the political divisious develop.

Some of your 18 provinces are already too large, and many of them are not the best in shape, either.Geographically or politically, and it might be all to change their boundaries early to suit the new conditions.

Inner and outer Mongolia no doubt will be divided into several provinces in the future.

In the U.S.,we have territories, Tibet and most of Mongolia and Tsing Hai and perhaps some other parts may be best ruled for some time as the U.S.does its territories or even as U.S.rules the Philippines.

These places then would have no representation in congress or no star on the flag until they become able to take part in the new government as established and legalized provinces, but otherwise only represented on the flag in the five stripes.

It is true that this form of the flag would make it somewhat like the flowery flag of the U.S.Yet it would be easily distinguished from it and all other flags, even at a great distance, and as I am from the U.S.,I am sure my wish is the wish of our President and fellow countrymen, that your new and great country may look as much like ourselves as possible, in flag, in government, in prosperity, in right, in justice, and in malice towards none in charity for all.

I am sorry to trouble you with this long letter in the midst of your arduous duties.But whatever flag you may finally have, be assured that I myself and all my fellow missionaries and even all the nations of good and civilized standing, desire only for your flag and country ever increasing peace and prosperity, better internal and with all the nations of the wide earth, especially your sister Republics and in particular the first and greatest the U.S.

Long live the Republic of China, and its stars and stripes long may they raise on the land of the free and home of the brave.

Yours very sincerely, Christian and State fellowship,

Charles Leaman

Presbyterian Mission,U.S.(North)



























美国北方长老会传教团 查尔斯·里曼 谨上