蒙塔古·哈里斯(Montagu Harris)致孙中山函 (1912年3月20日)


4B, Peking Road,SHANGHAI, March 20, 1912.


This morning through the telephone the Manager of the Hotel Kalee at my request asked Mr.Sahara of the Shanghai Mercury if he was the sole representative of the Asahi in Shanghai and received a reply in the affirm ative.He is willing to give evidence to that of act and I have his written statement.I was present when he telephoned and all questions were asked on my instructions.It now remains to imspect the Telegraph Companys Copy book.

I will see the Danish Consul with regard to the formalities required for this.I think your presence in Shanghai will be required and if we go to court either here or in Japan you would be obliged to give evidence in the witness box.Kindly let me know your views.

Your obedient servant,

Montagu Harris

Dr.Sun Yat sen.






蒙塔古·哈里斯 敬上
