丁义华(E.W.Thwing)致孙中山函 (1912年3月22日)


International Reform Bureau, Inr.

Shanghai, China,March 22nd, 1912.

To the President,Republic of China.

Dear Dr.Sun,

I have been thinking much of the question of a “strong moral appeal by the first president of the Republic, to the British nation”.It would attract the attention of the world and would bring about the cooperation of the British people and the Chinese people, in this great reform, as nothing else.I felt bad when I received this picture in my last mail from New York.How many wrongly think of the Chinese this way.They do not know, China has never officially asked for freedom from this vice.If you as the first president of the new Republic, will send out in brave ringing words this appeal, for the life and freedom of China, the world will know, and never again can Britain say “China has not asked to be free”.The venerable Dr.Robert Howie, of the Free Church of Scotland, passed through Shanghai this week.He said if the president will make this public appeal now, I can say that every man of our church will stand by him.

Such an appeal now, just before you give up the public office as the representative of the people, would give encouragement and strength to the Chinese people all over the nation.It would be the beginning of a mighty campaign that shall stop this evil and give freedom to China this year.

In the name and for the sake of the millions of our fellow country men who are being ruined by this bleak poison forced into our country, I beg of you to make this righteous appeal for freedom from opium, so that all nations may clearly know of China's real desire to stop this evil traffic.I am praying that the might god, maker of nations, may lead and guide you aright in this important matter and at this time of great opportunity.

Very sincerely yours,

Edward W.Thwing








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