刘先生(S.Liu)致孙中山函 (1912年7月3日)


Shanghai, July 3, 1912.

Dr.Sun Yat-sen,Shanghai.

Dear Dr.Sun,

Will you permit me to lay the following facts before you regarding what appears to us to be a most important matter.First we want to lay before you the main facts regarding the Chinese Young Men's Christian Association of Shanghai.


The Chinese Young Men's Christian Association was organized in Shanghai in 1899.From the first it has been in charge of a Board of Directors, all of whom are Chinese, and these directors have had full responsibility for the work.The details of the work are entrusted to a staff of secretaries, now numbering sixteen, and a teaching staff numbering thirty-two.Two of the secretaries are loaned to the Shanghai Association free of charge by the International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Associations in North America.The others are all secured and paid locally.


You know well the purpose of the Y.M.C.A.As stated in the constitution of the Shanghai organization it is the “development of the mind, body and spirit of young men”.It combines men of all the provinces into one brotherhood of service to their fellowmen.


Any young man of good moral character may join the Association upon payment of the dues.These dues are kept at a minimum so as to favor the young man who is getting a start in life and can not afford to pay a large sum.Our regular dues are $6 and $12 per year.At present the Association has over 1,800 members.Many of these are young men in business firms who only receive a few dollars a month as salary.

Current Finances.

The Association pays its own way with occasional assistance from friends.Last year the current budget exceeded $42,000, practically all of which came from the Chinese themselves.The members are most loyal in their regular support.

The Present Appeal.

The present appeal is to secure a Boy's Y.M.C.A.building.A friend in America has offered to give Gold $40,000 for a Boys Y.M.C.A.building on condition that the Association locally pay for the land.

Purpose of the New Building.

This new building will have as its purpose the development in mind, body and spirit of the thousands of boys from 12 to 21 years of age who crowd this commercial capital.The casual visitor can see the many strong temptations which surround the boy life in a city like Shanghai where vice in all its forms is most active.The Y.M.C.A.can do much to counteract these influences by beginning with the boys.It can attract their attention toward the good and away from the evil.

Particulars Regarding New Building(See Booklet).

The new building will be modern in every particular with recreative features such as the gymnasium and bath for the body; with lectures and entertainments together with educational classes, both day and evening for the mind; and with moral lectures and Bible classes for the spirit.It will be a building that all distinguished visitors to Shanghai will want to see.

Boy Scouts.

The new building will be the headquarters for the National Boy Scout Movement for Chinese boys which is doing so much at the present time to improve the youth of other lands.

Influence of the Building Over China.

This building will be a training center for boys for which will go the best influences to all parts of the nation; what is done in Shanghai today will be done in other cities tomorrow.We feel that it will mean much to the training of the youth for the new Republic and in preparing the road for a China of the future that will be a glorious example to other nations of the splendid qualities of the Chinese people, the combination of the best that the East and the West have to contribute the world of the future.


As you may easily understand the raising of $40,000 is a most difficult task at this time of business depression.Our best friends in former years are unable to assist us at this time because business is at a standstill.Why do we have a campaign for funds at this unfavorable time? Because the condition is placed on the gift of the American friend that this money be raised in Shanghai and the donor is not willing to wait indefinitely.He desires to give the building but he wants to give it where the people show that they need it.Other countries are quite ready to meet the condition for this building but we want it for China.Therefore we have confronted all the difficulties and are doing our best to secure the building which will mean so much to the new life of the new China.

In concluding, we write to ask your careful consideration of this important appeal.We do not want to make any mistakes.Our sole purpose is to prepare for the future generation.We know of your devotion to the cause of a new China, regenerated in mind, body and spirit, and at this time of need, against our inclination, we appeal to you to assist us in whatever measure you can yourself but particularly to secure the cooperation of a few public spirited men to assist in a substantial way in order that the effort may not fail.

Yours most sincerely,


Member Board of Directors,Chinese Young Men's Christian Association, Shanghai.



























刘先生 谨呈
