李亚(Geo.Brunson Rea)致孙中山函 (1912年9月13日)


SHANGHAI, 13th September, 1912.


Dr.Sun Yat-Sen,Peking.

Dear Dr.Sun:

Mr.W.H.Donald has joined me as editor of the Far Eastern Review, in addition to his work as correspondent of the New York Herald.Between us I believe that we can now be of great assistance in furthering your railway programme, and placing it properly before the financiers of the world.You will need some strong, independent, fearless and authoritative financial and semi-technical journal as a part of your organization in interesting capital in Chinese railways, a paper friendly and sympathetic with China, and with sufficient prestige for its articles to carry weight.You may dispense with such publicity, but your experience abroad will tell you, that the chances of success will be immensely strengthened and your work facilitated by having at your back an official organ of standing that will present your ideas, and answer the many criticisms and political campaign that is sure to follow the inauguration of your work.

In the working out of your scheme, there are three main phases of the situation.First, China and her interests; Second, the interests of foreign Powers, as expressed either in treaties, loan agreements, or the rights arrogated to themselves to dictate just where China can build railways without their consent; and Third, the bankers or the financial interests who will furnish the funds.

To secure a favourable public opinion that will overcome political interference, with certain projects, and secure the best possible terms from the bankers or construction syndicates, it is imperative to your success that you have at your side a powerful publicity organ that will fight your battles, intelligently and sympathetically.

This month we are making quite a railway issue of the Far Eastern Review, and we are now at work compiling the data for another special Number on Railways in China.This we hoped to publish about the beginning of next year, but if you act on my suggestion and make the Far Eastern Review your official organ in this railway scheme, we will publish it as soon as possible so as to place the matter fairly before the world at once.

The Far Eastern Review is the recognized authority on Chinese and Oriental Railways and we desire to work in with you on the development of China's future railways.

I have asked Mr.Donald to lay this matter before you, and I trust you will give it your consideration, and with the feeling that we will do all in our power to make your plan the success it deserves to me.

With the assurance of my highest esteem, and wishing you all success.

I remain, Yours Very Truly,

Geo.Brunson Rea














李亚 谨志