程天斗致孙中山函 (1912年9月16日)


Tung Men Hui Headquarter,Canton, Sept.16, 1912

Dr.Sun Wen,Peking, China.

My dear Doctor,

Sometimes ago I have written a letter to you relating to the matter of financing railways in the south.Upon hearing a few days ago that you are given authority by the national council to shape the railway policy of the country, I again wish to take up the matter with you with a view to arriving at some definite conclusion.

At present, my plans for a bank, doing a volume of business as large as that of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, are about to be carried into effect.The funds for the establishment of this bank is from a loan from American capitalists who have faith in me to handle the funds for the development of railways and industries that will repay the loan within a period of time agreed upon between them and me.

You will be interested to know perhaps that the former governor general of Kwang Tung.Mr.Chan Kwing Ming (前都督陈炯明)has approached me with the proposition of furnishing funds for the Wai Shiw Railway (惠潮铁路)that is now in the course of organization, negotiations between the two sides are favourable and no long the preliminary agreement will be signed.The Macao Canton Railway Co.is also giving consideration to my proposition of financing the road.

In developing the railway lines of the south, three factors are indispensable, first the appointment of a director general, second the securing of funds, and third the organizing of railway companies for undertaking the work of construction.I myself has always thought of taking an active part in this railway development.I therefore wish to ask for any one of the above privilege that you wish to assign me.Concerning the second privilege my bank is ready at any time to furnish the funds.If you think you can get the funds, then may I not be given the work of organizing railway companies or the office of Director General of the Kwang Si, Kwang Tung, Yunan, Szechuan and Fukien Provinces? Hoping to hear from you soon about this matter.

I am,Yours Sincerely,










程天斗 谨呈