克尼西(N.E.Cornish)致孙中山函 (1912年10月8日)


Kiangnan Arsenal,Shanghai, Oct 8th, 1912

Sun Yat Sen Esqre.,Avenue Paul Brunat,SHANGHAI.

Dear Sir,

I have the honour to enclose herewith,a brief outline of my ideas for some improvement in the Management of this Arsenal, I trust you may find it of interest.

Personally I am inclined to think a Company composed of Chinese and Foreign capitalists would be the most advantageous for China in the long run.In the first place the Foreigners would provide the working capital, the Chinese share would be more than covered by the value at which the Arsenal was assessed in the books.Secondly the Foreign capitalists would be constantly seeking to introduce the latest & most up to date machinery so as to produce work at a cheaper rate, the Powder Works would certainly need extensions in order to manufacture all the explosives required for mining & railway work, for which vast quantities will be needed in the near future.Thirdly by having such a Company which can turn out all such material in China directly under the eye of the Government, all import of weapons & could be absolutely prohibited, and complete control exercised.Fourthly from the point of view of Political Economy all would be for the benefit of China.

If the Government could be induced to support such a scheme, I feel certain I could bring it to a successful issue.

I have the honour to remain your obedient servant,









