鲍尔(N.H.Baugh)致孙中山函 (1912年)


Dr.Sun Yat Sen,President Republic of China.

Most Honorable Sir:

It has occurred to me that the following suggestions and proposition may strongly appeal to you at present in the development of your Commercial interest in your New China, as you now are about to Settle down to business or all kinds in your country.First of all your government will be forced into certain lines of commerce just as it needs governmental supplies of all sorts necessary to equip, sustain and carry on a good government, so far as its business interests go.

You will repair and also build new railroads:will repair also construct new railroads and other bridges; you will require structural iron and other metals; you will require equipments for your armies & their posts; for government buildings and offices of all descriptions; you will require Supplies for these offices.There are sundry other things which you will require in the development of your New Republic.Many of these you will import from foreign countries a part of which, no doubt you will import from the United States.

In order to secure these commodities from the United States economically and with dispatch it will be imperative for you to mention in the States a competent agency and an experienced representative in whom you can place good confidence.

It is in this particular matter that I believe that I can be of great value to your government, or any commercial affairs in which your government may have an interest.Permit me to say that I have had a long experience in may varied commercial affairs; Have been connected with large factories and extensive wholesale houses many years have acted in the capacity of purchasing agent for wholesale houses in Honolulu T.H.; am now connected with eastern and western factories for the Orient.

Have made several business trips to the Orient; am somewhat familiar with the commercial demands of the people of this Far East; and I am very familiar with the manufacturing interest in our own country and believe that I might manufacturing interest in our own country and believe that I might serve your great interests to your entire satisfaction.There will develop important matters in your vast affairs where you may wish to seek information or desire certain investigations to be made in the United States for your guidance, and in such times as this it might be exceedingly convenient for you to have in the States a representative to whom you could refer for advises and such information as you seek.

Moreover it will be quite necessary for your representative in these commercial matters to be familiar with all kinds of customs and shipping documents and every regulation and requirement for manifesting and invoicing shipments; also to know about freight rates as well as the best possible routing of shipments to your republic.

With all these matters I beg to inform you I am all together familiar.Also wish to state that I have been in and am acquainted with all the principal cities in the United States; especially am I acquainted in the manufacturing centers of our country.

With these matters placed before you permit me Honorable Mr President to herewith hand you this list of references:

W.P.Fuller & Co.

  Manufacturers of Paints & Oils;

Holbrook Merril & Stetson

  Wholesale Hardware;

J.A.Falger & Co.

  Wholesale Spice House;

New York Belting & Packing Co.

  Manufacturers Mechanical Rubber Goods;

Hunt Bres Company

  Fruit Packers;

All of San Francisco.

Mr.Ho Fon

  Foreign Exchange Bishop & Co Bank;


  With Thoo.H.Davies & Co;

Captain Campbell

  Manager Inter-Island-Steam Navigation Company;

Mr.Hughey Mc Intyre

  Pres.H.May & Co.

Mr.Fred Waldron

  Pres.Commercial Club;

Mr.Robert Shingle

  Treasurer Territory of Hawawi;

Mr.W.R.Castle, Atty.at Law

All of Honolulu, T.H.

A reply to this communication will reach me in Manila, P.I.C are Hotel De Francia until the 18th of March next, about which time I will return to Hong Kong.If you wish to confer with me directly or by proxy with regard to this proposition you can so inform me in the meanwhile at Manila.

Very Truly Yours,


Permanent Address:San Jose California



















吉·安格斯先生, 戴维斯公司;








N.H.鲍尔 谨呈
