Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
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Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is located in the northwest of the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, formerly known as the Exhibition Hall of the Museum, rebuilt in 1966, completed and opened to the public on November 12, 1999. With a floor area of 6000 m2, it is composed of a exhibition hall, a comprehensive lecture hall, a VIP reception hall, a warehouse and an office area. Its design gives full considerations to its impact on the environment of the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and focuses on the harmony with the overall environment of Cuiheng Village. As a perfect marriage between modern design ideas and traditional connotations, it creates for visitors a elegant and highly modernized exhibition space with rich cultural deposits, and stands out as one of its kind that is of largest scale and highest modernity level in the country. In the exhibition area of about 1000 m2 on the first floor are displayed the items that reflect the life of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Combining academic study with popularization purpose, the display presents the life, thoughts and theories of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as well as the revolutionary movements he led in a complete and systematic manner, eulogizing his tremendous achievements in leading the people to overthrow the imperial system and founding the Republic of China, and appropriately reflecting the facts about his major followers in the revolutionary cause. In the exhibition area of about 500 m2 on the second floor are displayed items that reflect the conditions of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's relatives and descendants, their great support and contributions to as well as their sacrifices for the revolutionary cause. Also on the second floor, there is a temporary exhibition area of about 400 m2, which may be arranged for all types of exhibitions according to different requirements.

上一篇: Site of Ancestral Residence
下一篇: Sun Yat-sen's former residence