Building complex of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School constructed inthe Republican China
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Building complex of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School constructed inthe Republican China

Thebuilding complex of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Secondary School constructed in theRepublican China is located in Cuiheng Village, Nanlang Town, and was created by Sun Ke 1931, and completed in 1936, with a floor area of 4,054 square meters, typical of “classic revivalism” in China’s modern architectural history. The campus buildings include the Yat-sen Hall, Shouping Hall, Haodong Hall, Heling Hall, Zhesheng Hall, Muzhen Hall, etc., which are cascaded along the mountain and symmetric. Traditional Chinese architectural elements are used extensively in these buildings, such as columns, beams and architraves, and roofs are mostly covered by blue and green glazed tiles, with a shape more close to the traditional Chinese roof. The red-wall and green-roof buildings are set off against green trees, forming a simple and elegant campus style. The main building – the Yat-sen Hall, completed in 1936, is a three-storied building with five bays, with a single-eavesgable roof, covered with blue glazed tiles. Such architectural style is consistent with the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing and the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou designed by famous architect Lu Yanzhi in 1926. The school is a state-level exemplary high school, a key high school and Class 1 school of Guangdong Province, and was included in the list of the seventh group of national key protected cultural relics in 2013.

上一篇: Sun Yat-sen’s former residence
下一篇: 沈成飞:《论孙科的第二个广州市长任期——以广州官产案为中心的考察》,《中山大学学报(社会科学版》,2014年第5期,第81-91页。