6.19. Photo: Sun Suifang and her son Xue Zhongjie looking at the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

首页 > Basic Display > Exhibition of the Relatives and Descendants of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

6.19. Photo: Sun Suifang and her son Xue Zhongjie looking at the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

6.19. Photo: Sun Suifang and her son Xue Zhongjie looking at the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

上一篇: 6.20. Sun Suifang and Xue Zhongjie visiting the exhibition of the residences in Cuiheng
下一篇: 6.18. Photo: Lin Ruiming and his family members looking at the Former Residence of Dr. Sun Yat-sen